Baby shower gift guide!

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Everybody loves a unique gift at their baby shower,  am I right!?!? I love shopping small and supporting small businesses! I've put together a list of adorable, useful, and unique gifts that will for sure bring on the "oohs and ahhs" when opened!1.Finn and Emma Organic Toys.  THE cutest rattles around! I am particularly a fan of the wooden vintage camera rattle! Even my 2 year old loves it! I mean, come on! Too cute!2.Mon Petit Shoes.  These soft soled shoes are THE perfect babies first shoe.  They have 2 different styles making them totally perfect for a baby boy OR a baby girl! Such a adorable gift and keepsake to hold onto long long after the baby outgrows them! Babies first shoes are one thing that i definitely plan on keeping, well forever... :)3. Jennifer Ann personlized blankets.  I got a little cuddle blanket with Karis' name on it from a friend for my baby shower and it was such a hit when I opened it.  Karis still loves these little blankets and uses them all the time for her dolls! Bexley's name blanket is a much larger option and  she will be able to use it as she grows! Jennifer Ann has all sorts of size and color options and you really can't go wrong with any of them! Seeing anything with your sweet little babies name on it is a perfect gift! ALL THE HEART EYES!4. Baby's First Year Cards. These cards and their adorable designs are so perfect for remember the milestones in your babies first year! They come with the first 12 months plus extra cards like,  "Today I sat up for the first time" and "Today I ate solid food for the first time."  I had these cards with Karis so I am so excited to do them again with Bexley girl! ALSO, they are on amazon prime which is always a win! Click here for some FREE shipping! Whoo hoo!5. Alexandra Rose Handmade. Not only a super sweet mama, but a super talented one too!  These pure cloths have the cutest fabrics plus, they are extra big and absorbent! THIS I can completely appreciate! I have a spit up machine, and if theres any way to actually make a burp cloth cute I'll totally take it! Such a practical, yet still adorable gift! Really can not go wrong with this one!6. Tubby Todd Mama Buddle. Everything in this bundle is SO good!!!  It comes with nursing salve, hand cream, belly balm, and my personal favorite, freshening spray.  All 100% natural, 100% fabulous, and 100% smells seriously delicious!  Such a nice baby shower gift and gives the mama a nice treat for a change because, we all know the baby has ENOUGH! haha7. Feltman and Co. Ring Teethers. I'm a serious sucker for a cute and unique baby teether.  I think i had at least 300 for Karis. Anyways...Babies want to gnaw on whatever the heck they can when those little teeth start coming in. These teething rings are perfect size for baby to hold onto all by themselves. Plus, they can chomp on the 100% silicone beads OR the natural pine wood with a 100% organic beeswax coating; SO thats pretty cool!Welp, thats all for now folks.  Hopefully some of you have a sweet baby to buy for, and this list gave you some unique ideas! If you ask me, I say you spoil the heck out of that mama whose shower your going to and buy it ALLLLL!!! WEEEEEE!!!!XO Ashley